Aviation Accident Summaries

Aviation Accident Summary MIA95LA195


Aircraft #1




The pilot stated he was at about 200 feet agl on initial takeoff climb from runway 23 when the engine sputtered and quit. Smoke was observed in the cockpit followed by an engine fire. A forced landing was made straight ahead on the runway. Examination of the airplane by the FAA revealed the exact cause of the loss of engine power and fire could not be determined.

Factual Information

On August 8, 1995, about 1220 eastern daylight time, a Cessna 195B, N2180C, registered to a private owner, operating as a 14 CFR Part 91 personal flight, experienced a reported total loss of engine power, and an in-flight fire on initial takeoff climb from the Macon Georgia Regional Airport, Macon, Georgia. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan was filed. The airplane sustained substantial damage. The airline transport pilot reported no injuries. The flight was originating at the time of the accident. The pilot stated he was at about 200 feet agl on initial takeoff climb from runway 23 when the engine sputtered and quit. Smoke was observed in the cockpit followed by an engine fire. A forced landing was made straight ahead on the runway. He exited the airplane and attempted to contain the fire with a hand held fire extinguisher. The fire was extinguished by the airport fire department. Examination of the airplane by the FAA revealed the exact cause of the loss of engine power and fire could not be determined due to the extent of damage that the airplane sustained.

Probable Cause and Findings

a total loss of engine power for undetermined reasons. Contributing to the accident was an engine compartment fire of undetermined origin.


Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database

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