Aviation Accident Summaries

Aviation Accident Summary CHI97LA080


Aircraft #1


Champion 7GCB


The pilot reported he was touching down on runway 24 when a gust of wind caused the right wing to lift. He was unable to lower the wing using aileron control, so he decided to abort the landing. He reported that the airplane veered to the right as it lifted off. The airplane then nosed over after contacting a snowbank along the right side of the runway. The airport manager reported that the wind was varying between 260 and 320 degrees, at 19 to 26 knots around the time of the accident.

Factual Information

On March 9, 1997, at 1030 central standard time, a Champion 7GCB, N9950Y, registered to and operated by a private pilot collided with a snowbank and flipped over while landing at the Two Harbors/Helgeson Airport, Two Harbors, Minnesota. The personal 14 CFR Part 91 flight was operating in visual meteorological conditions without a flight plan. The airplane was substantially damaged and the pilot was not injured. The local flight originated from the Two Harbors/Helgeson Airport at 0945 cst. The pilot stated he was landing on runway 24 (4,400' x 75') with strong gusty winds from the right. He reported that the right main gear touched down and as he was lowering the tail the left main touched down. At this same time, a gust of wind rose the right wing. He reported he was unable to bring the wing back down using the ailerons so he elected to abort the landing. He reported that as the airplane lifted off it drifted to the right of the runway where it nosed over after contacting a snowbank. The local winds were reported at 1035 cst as being from 270 degrees at 17 knots, gusting to 24 knots. Twenty minutes earlier the local winds were reported as being from 280 degrees at 13 knots, gusting to 20 knots. The airport manager reported that the winds were varying from 260 to 320 degrees at 19 to 26 knots around the time of the accident.

Probable Cause and Findings

failure of the pilot to maintain directional control of the airplane during landing. Factors relating to the accident were: the gusty crosswind condition, and the snowbank.


Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database

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