Aviation Accident Summaries

Aviation Accident Summary MIA98LA030


Aircraft #1


Cessna 150M


During initial climbout into rain of increasing intensity, between 600 and 700 feet of altitude, the engine started to sputter and lose power. The CFI applied carburetor heat, realized a momentary resumption of power, then a continued power loss. He advised ATC he was returning to his departure point, but the airplane would not maintain altitude and a forced landing was made into trees.

Factual Information

On November 13, 1997, about 1327 eastern standard time, a Cessna 150M, N6062K, registered to Ormond Beach Aviation, Inc. , operating as a 14 CFR 91 instructional flight, experienced a partial loss of engine power on initial climbout from Ormond Beach Municipal Airport, Ormond Beach, Florida. Visual meteorological conditions were reported and the flight had just received a local IFR clearance from Daytona Beach Radar. The aircraft sustained substantial damage. The certified flight instructor and student pilot reported no injuries. The flight originated about 7 minutes before the accident. The CFI stated that on initial climb, between 600 and 700 feet of altitude, just after receiving his clearance and being radar identified, the engine started to sputter. He applied carburetor heat and realized only a momentary resumption of power. He advised ATC he was returning to his departure point, and initiated emergency procedures for loss of engine power with negative results. The aircraft would not maintain altitude, and with no suitable terrain available, the CFI made a forced landing into trees. Compounding his problem was his lack of forward visibility due to the increasing intensity of rain, and to the lack of windshield defog air because of the deteriorating airspeed. It became necessary for the CFI and the student to open their respective side windows for forward visibility. The student's statement of conditions on climbout was, "..I couldn't see anything outside. We were in the clouds. No visibility outside. The rain increased." The engine was transported to the maintenance facility at Ormond Beach Aviation, and with FAA's oversight, started on the first attempt and ran smoothly to 1200 rpm, limited only by test-stand mounting. No other engine discrepancies were found.

Probable Cause and Findings

a loss of engine power for undetermined reasons.


Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database

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