Cedarburg, WI, USA
Cessna 182S
The airplane nosed over during a landing on a 2,700 foot long turf airstrip. The pilot reported he circled the airstrip and that the winds were light and variable so he decided to land on runway 36. He reported that the airplane porpoised twice during the landing. He reported that when the airplane touched down the third time, he discovered the nose gear had broken off and the airplane subsequently nosed over.
On May 28, 2007, at 1145 central daylight time, a Cessna 182S, N2366M, nosed over following a loss of control while landing on runway 36 (2,700 foot long, turf) at Covered Bridges, a private airstrip in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. The private pilot and three passengers on board were not injured. The airplane was substantially damaged. The 14 CFR Part 91 personal flight was operating in visual meteorological conditions without a flight plan. The flight originated from the Palwaukee Airport (PWK) Wheeling, Illinois, at 1005. The pilot reported he circled the airstrip and that the winds were light and variable so he decided to land on runway 36. He reported that the airplane porpoised twice during the landing. He reported that when the airplane touched down the third time, he discovered the nose gear had broken off and the airplane subsequently nosed over.
The improper landing flare which resulted in the airplane porpoising during the landing and the subsequent overload of the nose gear.
Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database
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