St. Anthony, ID, USA
The non-certificated pilot of the experimental airplane reported returning to the departure airport after a local flight. He entered the traffic pattern uneventfully, and on the final leg to land he reduced the engine power. The airplane passed over the runway threshold about 15 feet above ground level. The pilot stated that the airplane was in a forward right slip, and as he adjusted the airplane's attitude it stalled. The airplane landed hard and departed the runway; the main landing gear then struck an ice berm and the airplane nosed over. The airplane sustained substantial damage to the aft fuselage and vertical stabilizer. The pilot reported that the airplane and engine had no mechanical failures or malfunctions prior to the accident.
The non-certificated pilot of the experimental airplane reported returning to the departure airport after a local flight. He entered the traffic pattern uneventfully, and on the final leg to land he reduced the engine power. The airplane passed over the runway threshold about 15 feet above ground level (agl). The pilot stated that the airplane was in a forward right slip, and as he adjusted the airplane's attitude it stalled. The airplane then landed hard and departed the runway. The main landing gear then struck an ice berm, and the airplane nosed over. The airplane sustained substantial damage to the aft fuselage and vertical stabilizer during the accident sequence. The pilot reported that the airplane and engine had no mechanical failures or malfunctions prior to the accident.
The pilot's improper landing flare, which resulted in a hard landing.
Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database
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