Aviation Accident Summaries

Aviation Accident Summary ERA14CA317

Orlando, FL, USA

Aircraft #1




Same as Factual Information

Factual Information

The flight instructor reported that he had completed an approximate 1 hour flight with his student pilot and they landed uneventfully. After landing, the airplane had a long taxi to return to the fixed based operator. During the taxi, a thunderstorm moved into the area and the wind increased. The strong wind caused the airplane to weathervane violently in one direction. The wind then lifted the airplane, flipped it over, and it came to rest inverted on the taxiway. The pilot added that there were no preimpact mechanical malfunctions with the airplane. Examination of the airplane by a Federal Aviation Administration inspector revealed damage to the fuselage, wings, rudder, and horizontal stabilizer. The recorded wind at the airport at the time of the accident was from 120 degrees at 10 knots, gusting to 31 knots.

Probable Cause and Findings

The flight instructor's failure to maintain control while taxiing in a strong gusty wind.


Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database

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