Mount Vernon, OH, USA
The solo student pilot was on a local flight to practice touch and go landings in a light sport airplane. During the second landing attempt, the airplane touched down hard on the runway and bounced. The airplane bounced again before the pilot initiated a go around. As the pilot added power, the airplane descended nose first into the runway. The postaccident inspection of the airplane revealed that the airplane sustained substantial damage to firewall and fuselage. The pilot reported no mechanical malfunctions or failures with the airplane prior to the accident that would have precluded normal operation of the airplane.
The solo student pilot was on a local flight to practice touch and go landings in a light sport airplane. During the second landing attempt, the airplane touched down hard on the runway and bounced. Then bounced again before the pilot initiated a go around. As the pilot added power, the airplane descended nose first into the runway, and the nose gear collapsed. The postaccident inspection of the airplane revealed that the airplane sustained substantial damage to firewall and fuselage. The pilot reported there were no mechanical malfunctions or failures with the airplane prior to the accident that would have precluded normal operation of the airplane.
The pilot's improper recovery from a bounced landing, which resulted in a loss of control.
Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database
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