Akron, OH, USA
PIPER PA 46-350P
Same as Factual Information
The airplane veered off the left side of the runway during landing with a left gusting crosswind. The maximum demonstrated crosswind velocity for the airplane was 17 knots. The pilot stated that he had applied right rudder and left aileron control inputs for the landing. The airplane left main landing gear touched down first and when the right main landing gear contacted the runway, a gust of wind lifted the left wing, resulting in a loss of directional control. The airplane veered off the left side of the runway and into a grass area adjacent to the runway where the nose landing gear collapsed. The airplane sustained substantial damage to the engine firewall. The pilot and passenger were uninjured. The pilot stated that there was no mechanical malfunction/failure of the airplane.
The pilot's failure to maintain directional control during a crosswind landing in gusting crosswind conditions.
Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database
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