Belgrade, MT, USA
Same as Factual Information
During a pilot competency checkride, while on downwind in the traffic pattern, the pilot reported that the examiner requested a zero flap, power off, 180 degree approach and landing. As the airplane arrived at the threshold, the pilot noted higher than normal airspeed and a greater than normal approach angle of attack. The pilot increased the angle of attack until the stick shaker activated and then performed a go around maneuver. During the go around, the tail struck the runway, but the pilot reported that he did not remember feeling the tail touch the runway. After the go around, the pilot completed the maneuver without incident. The airplane sustained substantial damage to the rudder during the tailstrike. The pilot reported no preimpact mechanical failures or malfunctions with the airframe or engine that would have precluded normal operation.
The pilot's improper use of pitch control during an instructional maneuver, which resulted in a tail strike during landing.
Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database
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