On November 22, 2015, at 0157 coordinated universal time, a Japanese registered Robinson R22 helicopter, JA7963, operated by a private individual, impacted the slope face of a speedway in Annaka City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan. The pilot and sole passenger sustained fatal injuries and the helicopter was destroyed. The investigation is under the jurisdiction of the Government of Japan. This report is for information purposes only and contains only information released by or obtained by the Government of Japan. Further information pertaining to this accident may be obtained from: Director-General Secretariat of the Aircraft and Railway Accidents Investigation Commission Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport 2-1-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8918 Japan Tel.: (81) 3 5253 8813 E-mail: ARAIC@mlit.go.jp Fax: (81) 3 5253 1677 AFTN: RJTDYAYA Cable: KOKUKYOKU-TOKYO Website: http://www.motnet.go.jp/araic/index.html
Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database
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